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Support and healing through Energy work, conversation and exercises to develop virtues
If you have truly decided to change and solve your problem, I can help you ...

Članci i Besplatne vježbe: Welcome
Članci i Besplatne vježbe: Blog2
Članci i Besplatne vježbe: Instagram
Robert is a very professional therapist who constantly invests in his education, develops his techniques and provides each of his clients with a personalized approach and therapy.
He is always available and can always be counted on. On one occasion, I had health problems while I was on a private trip outside of Croatia, and Robi readily jumped in and helped me solve the problem. I would definitely recommend him as a wonderful person and a great therapist.
Despite the cheerful work atmosphere, excellent salary and colleagues, I was afraid to act relaxed and take the initiative in my work.
After the treatment, the environment remained the same, but I no longer felt fears. As a result, I took the initiative at work and more easily accepted the constructive criticism of my colleagues without feeling hurt or called out. I am much more relaxed at work now.
Aside from great and witty communication, what I love most is that Robert hits right to the heart of the matter.
We find the cause of the problem extremely quickly, we throw ourselves into solving it and I can focus on what I want. Robert is a real example of a new age therapist - I no longer have to practice various techniques for months to make my life more beautiful, easier and better. Finally!
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